THREE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF ALL TABLE TENNIS STROKESBy Richard McAfee, USATT Certified National Coach This article is unique because the information it contains impacts every stroke in the game. These concepts cut across all differences in grips, playing style, and personal technique. Strict adherence to these principles is necessary for any individual stroke to be successful. 1. Timing—When To Touch The Ball •There are three possible timing possibilities
–As the ball is rising
2. Application of Force and Friction—How to Touch the Ball • Force contact occurs when a forward moving racket strikes the ball. An example of this occurs when you bounce the ball straight into the air on the racket. – You can often hear a “wood” type of sound (hard sound). – Most of the energy goes into producing forward motion. • Friction contact occurs when you brush the ball with the racket. – Most of the energy goes into producing spin (ball rotation). – Sound is muffled (soft sound). • Most strokes are a blend of Force and Friction. – Slow Loops, serves, and pushes are maximum friction and minimum force. – Fast Loops are medium Force and medium Friction. – Counters and Kill shots are maximum Force and minimum Friction.
3. Ball Contact—Where to Touch the Ball • Most important of the 3 principles. • Always contact the Front of the ball. – Front of the ball is an area, not a specific point. – Front of the ball is a constantly changing area, determined by the trajectory of the ball. – It is the part of the ball facing the direction of travel.
Definition of "Front" and Relationship Between the “Front” of the Ball and Stroke Timing The area of the ball facing the direction of travel defines the “Front” of the ball. The Front does not change even if the ball is spinning. When you are aiming for a spot on the ball you must also consider the stroke timing that you are using. Here is an example of how the contact point on the ball will change with the timing you use. Let’s assume that your opponent chops a ball to your forehand that you wish to loop. According to the chart on where to contact the ball for this stroke, the contact should be below the center of the “front” of the ball. Now look above at where that point on the ball would be when the ball is struck at the top of the bounce. Now compare how that location would change if you let the ball fall. You can see how your racket angle would have to change as your timing changes. Courtesy of Newgy Industries Copyright © 2002 Newgy Industries. All rights reserved. |
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