Going for the Gold
takes the proper fuel supply! About Nutrition Guide, Rick Hall
interviews Sean on a daily diet for competition.
Courtesy of About
Nutrition Guide, Rick Hall and Sean O'Neill
Rick: Sean,
with the Olympics upon us, can you tell me about your training
schedule when you were competing full time?
Sean: Sure,
Rick. Let me tell you about a typical training day when I lived at
the US Olympic Training Center (OTC) in Colorado Springs.
Usually, I would wake
up around 6 a.m. and go for a 3 mile run around the lake at Memorial
park. The run would be followed by some stretching exercises and a
shower, before heading to the cafeteria at the OTC. After breakfast,
the team would get ready for our morning 2.5 hour workout on the
ping-pong tables. We would focus on consistency and footwork drills
as well as game situation patterns. We finished up by 12 noon and
went right to lunch.
A 2-3 hour rest
period followed in which athletes did home work, if they were in
school, laundry (we go through T-shirts like mad), or maybe watched
ESPN's Sports Center on the large screen TVs. I'd grab some fruit to
take back with me to the dorms for an afternoon snack.
The evening session
was from 4-7 p.m. More drills and games amongst the team members.
Often, we would do a drill called "multi-ball". In this drill, the
coach has a bucket of 200-300 ping-pong balls. The coach rapidly
feeds the balls to the player in either random or predefined
locations on the table (depending on the drill). Quite aerobic!
After the evening session, some of the athletes would head for the
weight room for some cardio (Stairmaster) or light free weights.
Afterwards, some stretching and one more stop at the mess hall
before showering and bed.
Rick: Were the
athletes ever seen by a nutritionist for the purpose of
individualizing your diet?
Sean: Yes.
When I lived at the Olympic Training Center, we had a full-time
nutritionist, Judy Nelson. We were asked to track our caloric intake
for 3 days at the beginning of the year and then submit the results
to her for a computerized analysis. In addition to the analysis, the
Olympic Training Center had very helpful placards above all the
buffet items which listed the nutritional values. It turned out I
was consuming 4000-5000 calories a day! If I didn't eat that amount,
I would lose weight. I wish I could say the same today!
Rick: Let's
talk about your individual needs. What types of foods did you try to
increase or decrease?
Sean: Judy
told to me that my first goal should be to eat well-rounded meals
that balanced the major food groups, and then I could snack. With
that strategy, I typically ate: fruits and cereals for breakfast,
carbos and pasta for lunch, (more fruits for snacks), and protein
for dinner. Since I had a sweet tooth and the Mars Company
(Snickers, M&M's, Twix,...) was an Olympic sponsor at the time, I
would have some of our sponsor's products to get some extra calories
to keep my engine running.
During tournaments, I
would always take extra fruit (mostly bananas) and water to keep me
operating at my optimal level.
Rick: Sounds
like they started you off in the right direction. Was it hard to
find healthy foods you were familiar with in the other countries you
visited? Did the team bring it's own food?
Sean: It is
funny you asked that, because it was indeed a tough problem in some
of the third-world countries we visited. In India, I remember living
off of a bag of Nestle Crunches for a week since their cuisine and
my stomach didn't get along. At the Pan American Games in Havana, we
were fed steak at each meal! I guess it was to impress us they had
cows there! Generally we did bring some food with us, but it was
more our favorite snacks.
Rick: Were
Olympians encouraged/discouraged from taking vitamin supplements?
How well was this controlled? Did you have a list of supplements
that were/were not allowed?
Sean: Our
dietitian didn't suggest I take vitamin supplements, since she felt
I was getting an adequate balance in my daily diet. One of the
biggest challenges for the athletes is making sure not to ingest any
banned substances when we eat or drink. The list of what you can't
put in your system is longer than the list of what you can put in.
At the Games, we were warned never to drink out of an opened
container and to keep an eye on our plates of food.
Interesting challenges you faced. Nestle Crunches certainly wouldn't
be on my list of expected 'power foods' for Olympic athletes, but
neither would foreign foods that could result in potential digestive
discomfort. That said, beyond fruits and vegetables, were you
encouraged to eat any specific food types? Say carbohydrate-rich
starchy foods to replenish glycogen storage?
Sean: I don't
remember if I was specifically told, but usually I was a meatless
spaghetti lover the week of all tournaments.
Rick: Lastly,
considering the environmental challenges and availability of food --
what tips/recommendations would you have for future athletes going
into major competition?
Sean: Don't
get too nervous if your favorite meal isn't on the menu; your
opponent is probably having the exact same problem. When in doubt,
drink more fluid to keep your level of hydration at a maximum.
Rick: Sounds
like our Olympians in Australia have some unique challenges.
Hopefully, competitors from around the world are finding adequate
foods full of healthy vitamins and minerals in Australia. Outback
Bushfoods like 'lemon myrtle' and 'wattleseed' might be a little
foreign to those who aren't accustomed to these traditional foods.
The Australian Nutrition Foundation offers their own food composition tables
that coaches, athletes, and team nutritionists can refer to.
well-nourished certainly will contribute to optimal performance.
Although each athlete will have specific individual needs, sport
nutrition recommendations are similar in many cases. Endurance
athletes require optimum glycogen storage that can be maximized by
consuming appropriate amounts of complex carbohydrates.
Additionally, fuel sources during events (like the triathlon) may be
needed. Quality lipid and protein sources should be consumed
regularly for athletes of any event.
According to Dr. Bill
Misner, competitive athletes should aim for 10-12 fruits and
vegetables per day, ingest plenty of carbohydrates, consider protein
supplements, and consume sources of omega-3 fatty acids (like fish).
Every sports
nutritionist agrees that the primary nutritional concern for
athletes during events is hydration. Not only will poor hydration
hinder optimum performance, it can also lead to serious medical
problems, in severe cases.
Courtesy of About.com