Rule 2.09 states - The rally shall be a let if the conditions of play are disturbed in a way which could affect the outcome of the rally.
eğer rakibinin dikkatini dağıtacak şekilde ses çıkarmaya başlarsan veya rakibin durumdan rahatsızlığı hakeme bildirecek olursa hakem sayıyı yeniden başlatabilir. bu seçeneğe bağlı
Ayağını donk diye yere vurma konusunda kısıtlayıcı kural yok ancak burada da hakem tarafından bir avantaj elde ettiğin kanaatine varılırsa let kararı verebilir ve tekrar ister. kötü davranışın sürmesi halinde sayının rakibe verilmesi cezai işlemi uygulanır.
kritik nokta hakemin davranışın diğer oyuncu üzerinde bozucu etkisi olup olmadığı hakkındaki yargısıdır.
7 BEHAVIOUR 17.1 Responsibility of the Umpire 17.1.1 Deliberately unfair or offensive behaviour is not common in table tennis and is usually limited to a small minority of players and coaches, but its effects may be very damaging and it is often difficult to control. Because misbehaviour can take many forms it is impractical to lay down precise rules, and setting and applying acceptable standards of conduct is more a matter of judgment and common sense than of factual decision.
17.1.2 The umpire should be ready to respond immediately to any sign that bad behaviour by a player or coach is likely to be unfair to an opponent, to offend spectators or to bring discredit to the sport. If he tolerates early lapses in good behaviour, however trivial, without even a disapproving glance he will find it much harder to impose proper discipline if these lapses later become more persistent or serious.
17.2.2 When, however, the umpire believes that an opponent may have been adversely affected or that the behaviour is likely to offend spectators or otherwise to be detrimental to the sport he should immediately declare a let and formally warn the offender, by holding up a yellow card, that further misbehaviour will incur penalties.
17.2.4 It should be remembered that, once a formal warning has been given, subsequent offences must automatically be penalised by the award of points. The umpire should not be afraid to use this procedure when it is justified, but if a formal warning is given too readily he may find that he has to penalise a player at a critical stage of a match for an offence that to many people may appear trivial.
ekte en yeni el kitabı bulunmaktadır.