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Maç esnasında , artık nasıl bie enstantenedir bilemiyorum, serbest el rakete değebilirmi yada aynı anda raketin herhangi bir tarafından tutulabilir mi?

Gönderim Zamanı:
Kural gereği raket çift elle tutulabilir.



bazen maclarda deniyorum bunu, cok da eglenceli oluyor. normal tenis raketini backhand tutar gibi. gorundugu kadar zor degil,

bence deneyin. eglenmek esas olmali :fildir:

Gönderim Zamanı:

Genelde maçlarda çok sıkıştığımız durumlarda özellikle sağ elle oynayanlar backhand köşesinden raketi sol ellerine alıp isabetli vuruşlar yapabiliyorlar ama ben şunu fark ettim maç esnasında sol elimiz düzende olabiliyor çokta zevkli oluyor bazen denemekte fayda var diye düşünüyorum :gulumse:

Gönderim Zamanı:

The Free Hand

The free hand is the hand not carrying the racket.(Law 2.5.6) Some players have interpreted this to mean that it is illegal to use both hands to hold the racket. However, there is no provision in the rules that the player must have a free hand at all times, so the use of two hands is perfectly legal, if a little strange! The only exception to this is during the service, where there must be a free hand, since the free hand must be used to hold the ball before serving. (Law 2.6.1) Players with one hand or the inability to use both arms are able to be given special exceptions. (Law 2.6.7) In addition, since it is legal to transfer the racket from one hand to the other (Point 9.3 HMO), at some point both hands would be holding the racket (unless the racket is thrown from one hand to the other), and the player would not have a free hand, so this is another argument for allowing both hands to hold the bat.

Gönderim Zamanı:
The Free Hand

The free hand is the hand not carrying the racket.(Law 2.5.6) Some players have interpreted this to mean that it is illegal to use both hands to hold the racket. However, there is no provision in the rules that the player must have a free hand at all times, so the use of two hands is perfectly legal, if a little strange! The only exception to this is during the service, where there must be a free hand, since the free hand must be used to hold the ball before serving. (Law 2.6.1) Players with one hand or the inability to use both arms are able to be given special exceptions. (Law 2.6.7) In addition, since it is legal to transfer the racket from one hand to the other (Point 9.3 HMO), at some point both hands would be holding the racket (unless the racket is thrown from one hand to the other), and the player would not have a free hand, so this is another argument for allowing both hands to hold the bat.


bu yaziyi buldum bu konuyla ilgili sanirim kurallar pek de onaylamiyor bu eylemi..


Kurallar net bir şey söylemiyor. Bu yazı da yazarın fikirlerini içeriyor ve iki elle tutmanın servis atma sırasında olmamak kaydıyla geçerli olduğunu savunuyor.

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