The backhand is the second shot to be taught. It
too can be done against backspin, but is best used
against topspin. Beginners should probably push
with their backhands against backspin, at least at
the start. It is not as powerful as the forehand.
Therefore, consistency and quickness are more
important. It is done differently with all three
grips, but we will only explain the shakehands grip
backhand in detail. The others will be covered briefly.
Rotate the lower arm and racquet towards the
stomach, bringing the racquet down to about table level.
The racquet and arm should point slightly
downwards, with the elbow at about a 90 degree angle.
The racquet should open during the backswing. The
elbow itself stays stationary. Do not use the
shoulder, legs, waist, etc., at any part of the stroke!
Forward Swing
Rotate the lower arm and racquet forward and
slightly up on elbow. The elbow moves forward
just enough to keep the racquet going in a
straight line.
At contact, snap the wrist up and over the ball,
closing the racquet. The racquet rotates around the ball,
creating topspin. For extra power, stroke straight
through the ball with less spin, sinking the ball
straight into the sponge and wood.
Follow Through
The arm continues to extend forward and slightly
up, with the elbow extending forward to keep the
racquet going in a straight line until the very
end of the follow-through. At the end of the stroke,
the racquet should point a little to the right of the
direction the ball was hit. The elbow is now almost
fully extended.
A backhand smash is simply a very hard backhand.
Use a longer backswing and snap the wrist hard at
contact. This is a very difficult shot, and most
beginners won’t be able to do this shot for a while.
When teaching the backhand, make sure the player
strokes the ball in front of the body, not from
the side. The backhand can be more difficult to teach
a child since the player has less reach on that
side, combined with short arms, the range is rather
small (even for multiball).
When coaching a righthander, guide the stroke with
your own backhand stroke. Your right hand should
be around the right side of his/her body, guiding
his/her right arm. For a lefthanded player, you
can either guide with your left hand or stand to the
player’s left, facing him. Guide with your right
hand and do what for you would be a forehand stroke.

Backhand Drive
Copyright Larry Hodges
Mark Nordby, Dan Seemiller, John Oros
Copyright USA Table Tennis