There is a huge
difference between coaching children and
teaching older athletes. In these pages, we
are primarily interested in coaching children,
and this is the type of coaching which will be emphasized.
Young athletes often look
upon sports differently than adults. They
participate to have fun. Knowing
this, what type of coach should you be? There
are three basic types: the command style, the
style, and the cooperative style.
Command Style
command style gives out orders, rules, and
rigid discipline. This coach carries a verbal whip
as he/she attempts to whip his/her charges into
shape. He/she knows what is best and no
ten-year-old should question that!
The command style, as you
can probably guess, is a pretty poor method
of coaching - at least for children. It
takes the fun out of the game and ends up
with kids disliking both the sport and the coach.
The command style should be avoided whenever
kids are being coached.
Submissive Style
The submissive
style lets the students do what they want,
with very little leadership. This is basically
a babysitter style, where the coach tosses out the
ball and lets the kids do what they want. Although
it is preferable to the command style, it is not a
good method of coaching.
Cooperative Style
cooperative style is the midpoint between the
command and the submissive styles. This type of
coach realizes that coaching is a two-way street.
The kids do have input, and the coach who realizes
this fact is well on his/her way to being an
excellent coach.
Obviously, even the cooperative style has variations.
You may wish to adopt it, yet tend toward
either the command or submissive style. Sometimes
it is best to use different methods depending
on the situation and the students involved. Your
job as a coach is to decide what is best for your
Copyright Larry Hodges
Mark Nordby, Dan Seemiller, John Oros
Copyright USA Table Tennis